Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I need a cheap hotel for two adults near Metro Zoo/ Monkey Jungle for next Friday night. Where?

I am trying to find a hotel/ motel for 50 or less around the Metro Zoo area. All I care about is that it is clean and safe. We only want to spend one night. I don't need pool, internet, and all that stuff. Just a clean bed. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good place to stay around that area? We will be at Monkey Jungle on Friday, then want to sleep, then are going to Metro Zoo Saturday Morning.

Thank you, and please don't comment unless it is an actual answer that is relative to my exact question.I need a cheap hotel for two adults near Metro Zoo/ Monkey Jungle for next Friday night. Where?
Hi, I used to live fairly close to there and I would use this as your starting point: http://maps.google.com/maps?near=12400+SW+152nd+St,+Miami,+FL+33177+(Miami+Metrozoo)%26amp;geocode=CdvAaNbYPdDJFYkIhwEdYEo1-yEOSW_5ANkC3w%26amp;q=hotels%26amp;f=l%26amp;dq=Metro+Zoo,+loc:+Miami,+FL%26amp;ie=UTF8%26amp;ll=25.638354,-80.403786%26amp;spn=0.020312,0.04549%26amp;t=h%26amp;z=15

From the looks of it there is a Holiday Inn Express and La Quinta Inn pretty close to Metro Zoo and Monkey Jungle. Further up north by Kendall Drive there are several other hotels there also.

Hope this helps! :)I need a cheap hotel for two adults near Metro Zoo/ Monkey Jungle for next Friday night. Where?
check the site Kayak.com

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